Debut Publication

The Afghanistan War endured for two decades, involving an all-volunteer military force deployed repeatedly between 2001-2021. Over the course of these 20 years, thousands of young Americans lived through their own unique versions of the war, each marked by personal war stories and life-altering events. The war concluded on August 30th, 2021, leaving both the United States and the people of Afghanistan with a somber and perplexing aftermath. An entire generation now grapples with questions surrounding the reasons behind their sacrifices, as well as the thousands of lives lost or forever changed during the conflict.

“ It is a story of self-discovery, a tribute to those serving in the defense forces and their families, and a powerful reminder that every life lost in war is valuable—it is beyond being a mere statistic.

Moreover, it reminds us that seeking help is a sign of strength, challenging the misconception that it is a sign of weakness.”

— Kibet Hillary-

About Andrew

Andrew Coville is a native of Massachusetts, raised on Cape Cod. He served in the Marine Corps with the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion from 2006 to 2010. Following his enlistment in the Marine Corps, he transitioned into law enforcement and has been serving in that capacity since 2012.